Retention times of quality records shall be established and recorded. 质量纪录之保存时限应有规定与记录。
Human Resource Department is responsible for the establishment and retention of records related to education, experience, training and qualifications etc. 人力资源部建立和保存有关教育、经验、培训、资格的适当的记录。
Some Ideas on Filing Range and Archival Retention Period of Records and Materials in Units of Agricultural Science and Research 对农业科研单位文件材料归档范围和档案保管期限的几点思考
A and Exchange Commission rule that provides rules regarding the retention of electronic correspondence and records. 一部提供有关电子信函和记录的保留规则的美国证券交易法规。
The principals of the departments are responsible for supervising the validity and retention period of the records in their own departments. 各部门主任负责监督本部门记录的有效性及保存期限。